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Tahlia Field
3d10 min read
The Life of Gladys Aylward, Missionary to China
On 15 October 1930, a large crowd gathered at the train station to wave Gladys goodbye. She clambered aboard carrying everything she owned.

Gabriel Shaw
Mar 1414 min read
Celts versus Romans: Queen Boudicca and the Battle of Watling Street
The Battle of Watling Street was a clash of two wildly opposing forces and cultures.

Cody Mitchell
Mar 316 min read
Problems of Distance, Communications, and Authority: How Charles V and Philip II Ruled the Global Spanish Empire
This paper examines how Spanish kings ensured the optimum reliability of their intelligence networks within Europe and with America.

Dr Stephen Chavura
Feb 275 min read
Is Australia British? Multicultural Essentialism vs British Heritage
Australia’s political stability, social peace, and economic prosperity grew from deep roots in a British heritage.

Amelia Mitchell
Feb 258 min read
Imperialism in the Far Reaches of the Roman Empire: Rome and Britain
The relationship between Rome and the province of Britannia is complex and the state’s methods of maintaining the province varied greatly.

Caleb Shaw
Feb 117 min read
Plague and Print: An Essay on Plague and the Printing Press in Early Modern Europe
In the middle of the 15th century, the German inventor Gutenburg, designed and built the first known mechanised printing press in Europe.
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